Živogošće Mala Duba
Makarska Riviera
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Hrvatski English Čeština Slovenščina
Marija Nevešćanin  
++385 21 377 748
Site map > Index > Price list
Price of apartment per night in euro
Tip apartmana / Termin 1.6.-12.6.
2.7.-27.8. 13.6.-1.7.
Apartment 1 (A 3+1) - 4 person 40 80 50
 - Apartment 1 (A 3+1) - 3 person 35   45
Apartment 2 (A6) - 6 people 60 100 70
 - Apartment 2 (A6) - 5 people 50   60
Apartment 3 (A 2+2) - 4 person 40 75 50
 - Apartment 3 (A 2+2) - 3 person 35   45
Calendar of reservation for 2022.

- Price include tourist taxation
- Price include air condition and parking

Payment rules
  • for reservation you'll have to pay an amount of 100 euro
  • rest of the amount will be paid to the owner at arriving date
  • min. reservation is 7 days

Payment methods

- payment via bank remittance to the owner's foreign account
- you will need the following data:

  • payer: full name of the reservation carrier including the address
  • receiver: Jakov Nevešćanin, Vukovarska 169, 21 000 Split
  • receiver's bank: Raiffeisen Bank, Split, Croatia
  • account number: 3190016840
  • Swift: RZBHHR2X
  • Iban: HR3824840083190016840
  • amount: write down the amount according to the received calculation
  • purpose of the remittance: reservation of the accommodation
  • date: the payment date


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